Friday, July 6, 2012

Having it All or Having Enough?

A Barrage of Signs (in three languages, no less!)

We are taught to 'have it all' and then feel guilty when we don't.
It creates a self-perpetuating cycle of remorse for the near-impossible.
Rather than trying to be all, do all, conquer it all, and have it all--
why not be satisfied with what we have as we strive to become the person we are meant to be?

Having it all is not enough--
We have to Be Enough without having it all--
in order to feel soulful and whole.
Trying to fill the emptiness with external reward
is like using bubble gum as a binder for a monument's foundations--
no matter how much we have, it's never going to really stick.
He's got enough.

(So enough is enough).
It is time to stop saying
we need it all in order to be our all.
We are, as we are, enough.
Be proud of where you stand, unfinished.


  1. I was reading a book for class last year (can't remember the name--I'll find it later), which said that on average an American was 75% more likely to be "happy" (i.e. content and emotionally stable) in the 40s than today. With all of this stuff that we accumulate, we just aren't getting any happier. Hmmmm, wonder why?

  2. Wow, I love this. I am reading this with my morning cup of coffee and it has started my day off right. Thank you for the inspiring words. :)
